Tuesday, November 20, 2012

                   A couple fo photos of where we removed around eight plants trying to make the garden a little easier to maintain. I will add photos of this spot once we have tidied it up. Starting to see more of the bush in the distance already.

Monday, November 19, 2012

          Its time for an update, gardening although a wonderful activity is difficult at times to say the least and lately harder than usual,about 5 weeks ago I sprained my ankle so I've not spent a lot of time tending to the garden, and boy does it get out of hand quickly.
          This time spent looking at the gardens rather than be down in the dirt working has made me decide to reduce the size of my larger gardens which will make life a little easier.
          Also I was finding that the gardens in question were getting so big that they were blocking our view of the surrounding bushland, one of the main reasons for buying this property in the first place.