Saturday, June 12, 2010

What a glorious winters day, we spent the day cutting back two trees that were too close to the house.

We can't have trees too close to the guttering because we are on tank water and have a terrible time keeping leaves out of them.

I've taken a couple of photos one with our grandaughter sitting under them and then one with them cut down, its going to take me a while to get used to them not being there, plus the grandchildren wont be happy they can't sit under them in the summer. The trees were the canopy for the fairy garden.

I will plant other shrubs as soon as I decide what will only grow about 1 metre tall.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Inspiration at your finger tips, that's what I love about the internet.

Just when you think you've seen everything someone posts something new and interesting that you can either make or do. Take these lamps for instance, they were plain ordinary shades but with some fabric, buttons and some help from other bloggers out there they are now different which makes them more appealing and a talking point.

There is no excuse for being bored, even sit down and post a new blog, try a new craft, go out and add something quirky to the garden, endless receipts to try.
I believe we are a very fortunate generation so lets make the most of it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I just love my donkey's tail what a great succulent!

Princess lillies starting to poke their noses through, can't wait til they flower.They seem happy in this pot.

Winter is really making its presence known here today the wind is blowing and it's very cold out so i'll be spending the day inside.
A good day to spend blogging, so I have posted some garden photos and also a couple of my lamps i've been embelishing, I really like the way they turned out, hope you agree.

Monday, June 7, 2010

These are a few photos of our market stall, we were pleased with the day and are looking forward to the next one.

We have also reinvented a couple of lamps by embelishing the shades for our next market I hope they go well, I'l post some pictures when I have them.

I think it's fair to say we have caught the market stall bug!